Many people suggest buying and renting out a property as a way of receiving passive income in addition to a primary job or career. Doing so is an awesome way to get an extra stream of income, but many homeowners who opt for this route do not have experience with owning and renting properties and may feel vastly underprepared for the obligations that come with it. Consistent maintenance, appliance or structural issues, and bad tenants are just a few issues that immediately come to mind, and all of those things can make your life a NIGHTMARE! 


Hiring a property manager allows you to continue to earn some of this extra income while allowing other skilled professionals to handle all the stuff you do not want to. We at CREC Property Management take pride in providing top-quality service to owners, tenants, and anyone who utilizes our services in the Charleston, South Carolina area. While we cannot speak for every property management company, this is how we can help YOU as an owner who may be struggling. 


Comparative Market Analysis

There’s nothing worse than not getting any interest from prospective tenants because your prices are above market value or getting a lot of interest but selling yourself short because you are unaware of the value your property brings. We’re here to ensure you do not undersell or oversell your property by conducting a comparative analysis as well as assessing what changes should be made in order to make your property more appealing to renters. 


Marketing Your Property

The only way your property can get eyes is through efficient marketing! When you choose us as your property management company of choice, we make your property incredibly appealing to prospective buyers. We will take high-quality photos of your property, share them on multiple listing services (MLS), post them on social media, and create visible signage on your property. Exposure is everything and a property manager should ensure this happens successfully.


Tenant Search

No one wants a bad tenant. Taking extra steps to perform a background check will ensure you are not bringing a bad fit onto your property, saving you the headache of going through the process of finding tenants as well as saving you the headache of dealing with a bad tenant. 


Collect Rent

Not only do we find a good fit tenant for you, but we will also collect rent on your behalf and deal with the uncomfortable situations that may arise should a tenant fail to conform to the lease guidelines. No one wants to be the one to kick someone out of a property even when they’re deemed unreliable, but dealing with tenants is what we are best at! Let us play the bad cop and do what we do best while you relax. 


Handle Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and repairs can get very costly very quickly! We boast a team of professionals who are incredibly skilled at what they do when it comes to maintenance and repair; with a pre-existing rapport, we know they are reliable and willing to help in the blink of an eye, which is not always the case when it comes to getting a repairman in a timely manner. Do not shell out your money for issues over and over again, let us do the work for you. 



Hiring a property manager can take away the stressors of what you are not looking forward to when it comes to owning and renting out a property. You can still earn income while pushing off the unnecessary work onto those who love it, like us at CREC Property Management! If you are interested in learning more about property management, please reach out to us at (843) 574-9100 or [email protected]