Who doesn’t love a little home reset? Let’s leave 2022 in the past and give ourselves a fresh start this year. From cleaning, decluttering, organizing, and decorating, CREC has some apartment-safe suggestions for you!



Everyone falls victim to a classic “junk drawer” at some point. Looking for a pen or your keys has never been more daunting of a task in this abyss of a drawer. To start this new year refresh, let’s empty out that drawer and sort out everything you could do without. After tossing and recycling everything you don’t see yourself using, put the remains back, sorting and keeping similar items together. Drawer dividers and organizers are super helpful here and are only a small price to keep your drawers from turning into a junk hub!


Closet Cleanout


Grab a box, a trash bag, and a vacuum and head to your closet. We’ll call this box the “outbox” and you’ll put the articles of clothing you swore you were going to wear again but haven’t touched in over a year in it. Take a moment to straighten things up such as loose pieces of clothing, shoes, or anything random that you might’ve shoved in there just to get out of the way. Vacuum up the dust and dirt on the floor of your closet that might’ve accumulated over the past year. 


Expired Items


Remember that sauce you bought to try and only used once? Probably not, and that’s the point. Life gets busy and expiration dates arrive sooner than we expect, so it’s important to do a sweep out of the fridge and pantry every once in a while! Toss expired items into the trash or compost, then rinse out glass and plastic containers to recycle. While it’s less obvious, beauty and skin products expire too. Take a look around your bathroom and check out the PAO (period after opening) symbol on your products. Make sure the last bit of lotion you’re stretching out using hasn’t expired months ago and toss your stash of old products you don’t even remember opening. Tip: Get into the habit of writing the date in a sharpie on the bottom of your products that you know are going to last you a long time. 


Finishing Touches


Once you’ve successfully decluttered, cleaned, and organized your home, it’s time for the fun part! Treat your home to fresh flowers or a new house plant to bring life into your apartment. Find a piece of art or photo that makes you happy and get a print of it for display. Frame it and place it somewhere you’ll see often. These small final touches will help evoke feelings of  joy and gratitude into your home for the new year. 


These small changes and tips will make all the difference in your Charleston rental.  CREC hopes this apartment refresh sets you up for a great 2023! Reach out to us today with any questions at (843) 574-9100 or email us at [email protected]